sirius conjunct descendant

[1], This point develops large family ties for these individuals. who desires Deaneira, the wife of Heracles, and kidnaps her. For the Nodes with the fixed stars, you can combine the interpretation for Sun and Moon. As far as money goes, I play the lottery and win (mostly free plays, $10-20). Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 1, p.34-37. They find it hard to find home with other foreigners. I have always been searching for angular planets info though sadly there isnt much out there and most of it I dont resonate with. it is our quest is it not , Hello, Manda! Its a story about conquering your pain by turning your pain into a cultural product, by commercializing the self narrative. DO YOU THINK THEY PLAY A PROMINENT ROLE IN YOUR LIFE? I look forward to any comments one can make. As in youth, I am distrustful of authority and will not take well to it. Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, gain through harmonious marriage, especially if male, sudden death. Same for the north node and the south one? Im generally sober with melancholic temperament, very serious outlook, practical, prudent, resourceful, determined but at the same time I lack confidence. eclipse. I have it exact my Asc, Trine to my MC in Pisces. and a trine with my north node in aquarius in 11th house. Whether a planet fall close to the ascendant or midheaven pre or post rising/culmination, it is very important and to a lesser extent (but still significant) are planets that fall either side of the descednant and IC (ileum coli). As a kid I used to behave like a authorative princess. Depending on how they are aspected, they can result in an encouraging relationship or one filled with conflict and power struggles. And what would Mercury square Neptune signify to you? I loved this! In almost every story that I could find regarding Sirius, its a dog. So, how can I relate to Sirius conj my Jupiter in a different way? Whether you openly rebel or not, you are still a rebel of sorts. This is an artsy aspect and maybe you somehow bring this energy in your career. Since Saturn is a social planet, Saturn-Sirius people dont experience Sirius-related issues as a personal issue but one that affects everyone from the homeland. I also have Uranus & Mercury closely sextile A.C. What if Sirius conjunct with the Sun and opposite the MC? The thing to remember, when dealing with Sirius, is that there really is no such thing as true memories. Leorpio Knowflake . Oppositions are supposed to be hard. With Neptune, itd make you a wanderer, a lost child within a vast world, and I have this strong urge to give all of my earnings to unlucky people. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant: the Path Less Taken - Astrology I also have Sirius on the MC (13 degree). Thanksfully theyve settled down with their own husbands. 2.5K views 11 months ago Having conjunctions with the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the Ascendant/Descendant axis is one of the more common types of synastry aspects I see in deeply bonded. To alleviate this problem, these persons should chew celery before or after a meal as celery stimulates the digestive process. Saturn-Sirius people often inherit the Sirius-related issues of their ancestors. yeah, Saturn can offer resistance to the Uranus Pluto energy but the Fixed Star Charts & Reports. But Mars in the IC could mean that you grew up in an environment where anger was very prominent and you witnessed or experienced power struggles with others. Fixed stars and eclipses might be relevant to the Republican nomination. I have zero planets in water signs (if you exclude south node, anti-vertex and ceres that is), but Im nothing like the description astrologers always put of someone lacking water signs. I have Uranus conjunct Ascendant, not so tight, but I can definitely feel it. Each of these planets connects our consciousness to the higher dimensions in their own unique way. My mercury/uranus/neptune conjunction on the IC are exactly opposite to the Sirius/MC. When I had this transit, there was chaos because of a contract that was not done right. At the same time, transiting Saturn will conjunct my Neptune, then Jupiter, all while transiting Neptune will conjunct my Sun/Mercury, and Jupiter conjuncting my Saturn and Mars! What Rings Your Bell-Asteroid Conjunctions to the Descendant in the So you see the struggle ..because you do value being secure but at same time there is a need to be in a career that is not just based on practicality? I have always been searching the meaning for that aspect and I had a hard time acknowledging my Venus, it was only a few years ago that I started to allow this side of me emerge, and now I realised its a very important part of me! from my MC, both in Capricorn and both in my 9th house. This will be useful when I come to update these fixed stars posts. This affects the hormones on the diaphragm causing and overactive and underactive energy flow, so that the person feels energetic at times and ready to collapse at other times. Each year, around May 16, the Sun aligns with a powerful fixed star, Algol. Opposite the MC, will it affect my career or not at all? Hi Rose. Mercury and Jupiter are about labor. Which is the Dutch TV journal. Jupiter in scorpio crossing all those planets is positiveand it is a good time to explore what your project to the world, and how you can transform this in order to get the effect your want. This is evidence of your Mercury on your Ascendant- you like to learnt and to teach. [7]. absolutely love your work and the comments being left on here. Fixed Stars in birth horoscope Thank you for this article! But the Lunar nodes are a complete mystery to me so far. I dont know if that means Ill end up single all my life as I havent a stable long serius relationship with anybody till now, and Im not so young anymore. If you have cancer rising, then you look through the lens of safety and security, ask yourself if this is a safe place to venture out. Saturn at 11, moon at 15 jupiter at 17, pluto at 23 and mercury at 1 Scorpio. New Moon in the Houses | Cafe Astrology .com The planets influence varies depending on the angle its conjunct, how close it is located to the angle and whetherit is debilitated or strengthened based onthe zodiac sign. travis scott sound effect meme. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. The USA is a country that has its Sun conjunct Sirius. However my Sun-Ascendant conjunction tightly parallels Saturn in almost exact orb and it also opposes Pluto while I have a heavy Moon square Saturn in Virgo. I have researched the matter a bit because I see it in other interpretations as well. The name Sirius comes from Osiris, who replaced Anubis (another dog) as the god of the underworld. idea is to find balance between them. People who have Venus in hard aspect with Sirius can feel like theyre expected to perform marginalization or exceptionalism. The four important angles on a chart are the Ascendant (cusp of the 1st house) Descendant (cusp of the 4th house), Midheaven (cusp of the 10th house) and IC (cusp of the 4th house). I had wondered about this part of Sirius. I also have Jupiter widely conjunct at 3 Cancer and I thought that was too wide but reading the description it kind of fits too with the family ties theme. [1] The manufacture of weapons for hunting and the raising of hunting dogs. The DC can also be seen as you inner man (for a woman) or inner woman (for a man), or what you ideally want in a partner, if not exactly what you get in a partner. Hello AstroAmanda, what sould you say of a 10 Gemini sun conjunct IC 10, and Uranus in leo 22, conj asc 22 leo? The Saturn Pluto could also indicate the kind of career you have chosen, maybe something that deals with challenging situations. Its the ugly little duckling story. I am glad that you were able to study and come with finding very similar to gauquelin and others who see the importance of angles. I have always felt that I would die in motion as in an accident or a fall I have been told to stay away from deep water voyages, and I have two beautiful very large dogs. Whether it is challenging or smooth sailing could depend on other factors, Captcha * For example if theAscendant is Scorpio, then the planets may have aharder time projecting their energy in an open manner, since Scorpio rising tends to be secretive and deep. I have my IC weirdly enough exactly at 1405 Cancer. Iron in our bodies will feel the changing dynamic in the core. Moon conjunct Nadir is expressed in a very intuitive, caring manner with a deep connection to family, home and everything that signifies their roots, and they usually have the ability to find comfort within themselves. Ive noticed that with planets close to the ascendant, there is an instinctive understanding and clarity of the planets energy (the tighter the orb, more the clarity). Sirius sees itself as operating under marginalization. I have Sun conjunct Ascendant in Aries trine Moon in Sagittarius. Fated Relationships: The Vertex In The Composite | ElsaElsa These persons are usually misdiagnosed as having heart trouble and are put on restrictive diets so as to avoid cholesterol buildup and so forth. Sensible, merciful and generally dont die a good death. It seems that up to 6 degrees may exert a sizeable influence, but the orb is certainly greater than 240 degrees. Out of all the signs, Mars-Sirius aspects are the hardest to deal with because Sirius is strongly connected to the Moon while Mars is in fall in the Moons domain. Rose, Also, please check what kind of aspects these planets make as this would modify the expression. Having read Cleopatra-A Life by Stacy Schiff, I know that when he died, Cleopatra immediately became queen-ata a very young age. Jupiter Rx also forms the apex of a YOD, forms the apex of a YOD, its inconjunct to Moon in Sagittarius 11th House and inconjunct to Sun in Pisces in 2nd House. Like Grail, I have Uranus conjuct IC, in Scorpio, opposition to my Taurus sun. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. My ascendant is at 15 degrees Libra, Moon is at 16, Jupiter at 18, and Mars at 23(all conjunct from first house). Also when my progressed Moon was conjunct MC/Sirius earlier this year, I received a lot of praise and attention for an extra-curricular project I did at work. Nice to have the asc and nadir rather than mc and desc I find, personal thing I guess. Sirius is a star that deals with memory. What could Sirius conjunct Descendant mean? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Usually planets conjunct ascendant may influence your appearance (how you look and what kind of energy your project into the world), not so much planets in IC. And you gave a great example of it with your Neptune squaring Moon/MC. Moon conjunct the MC (yes, a full moon baby on top of it all) and had a parent who died young and many difficulties finding career stability as everything I love to do is the creative realm and not financially viable so have always had jobs while trying to carve out time to do what I really am drawn to. I think mine is expressed more as a need for glamour and imagination/creativity. We once called the stars angels. I have a lot to learn and this has helped. Thank you! ), always got into arguments with my boss and absolutely hate it when theres injuctice. Dogs are a colonial animal and Sirius, as the dog star, is about settling, cultural belonging, and citizenship. Wasat. It is considered that influence especially in conjunctions with planets or important points in the natal chart (especially the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, Bottom of the Sky). Nadir is the northern most (lowest) point in the chart and is opposite to the MC. Make you free chart here and see if there is anything within a few degrees of 14 Cancer. I have two questions. If the same Saturn is conjunct the descendant, then the person may want safety, security, permanence, etc,, in their relationships, or/and they attract people who express the Saturn energy. Josh, when you have Pluto on your ascendant you carry that intensity(which is not a bad thing) but some people may get threatened by it. Fixed stars only work in conjunction so your MC is not affected by Sirius, but the fixed star Vega. Pluto transiting the descendant affects relationships, but also your physical appearance, your reputation and your home and family. It signifies ones emotional quality, ones family, root, home and land. Just found your site! Hi, I have Sirius conjunction MC by less than one degree. Sirius people have the choice to perform pain within liberal wound culture. The seventh house is the house of one-on-one . Moon angular people can easily bring out their caring and nurturing personality, especially with Jupiter. This would be one more explanation of how astrology works through the Stars and Planets, but not Signs and Houses. Im greatly interested about some background information of stars as Sirius, Pleiades, Ursa major how they came into being and they will eventually become in the end. What about chiron conjunct sirius? However, Sirius people must remember that the process of investigating these memories are meant to bring them in alignment to people who might not share their struggle but have histories of pain of their own. That is a lot of angular energy which shows you are not hear to take a backseat. Ive Neptune on Midheaven and wasnt sure of work and career for a long time. People with lot of planets in angular houses feel like they are on a mission to do something important in this life and people can sense this fire. Planets That Conjunct the Ascendent - My Christian Psychic True what you said about Neptune in MC need to selfless. He showed the Mars was found significantly more in sectors around the angles in eminent athletes, and likewise Moon was found around the angles for writers, etc. Hi Astromanda and thanks, I have uranus conjunct pluto and mars at a wide conjunction with my IC in virgo opposite saturn in pisces which blocks a bit all this energy that is still very strong. Luckily the turbulence has blown over now, but it was very difficult to deal with at the time. Homer called it Orions dog, east Asians called it the celestial wolf, and indigenous Americans called it Moon Dog or coyote. Rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. Ascendant conjunct Sirius and born in the day: Capable of commanding, valiant, energetic, active, fearless, submissive, greedy, hard and haughty, a military leader, tyrannical, glorious. If you are a Virgo rising, you see the world as something to be fixed. I also have Saturn Rx conjunct Mars (D) in H1 Scorpio. Marginalization is experienced as a direct result of losing the homeland. You do have a powerful chart and a big need to bring yourself out to the world. The Sirius promise is a promise that cultural alienation can turn into soft power. [1], This is not extremely difficult. Since this is the case, it would be difficult to determine what Rising and Culminating mean in the context of a fixed star, since the exact orb is up for debate. I do have Pluto at 1232 in Scorpio actually, dont know if thats strong enough. I can handle the moves, the freedom calls, alien feeling, but not my Mars, which tightly squares Sun and Uranus. Person will have a sense of destiny or purpose that is counter to the times one lives in. A caring and loyal family. Hi Jamie, would you say i have Sirius conjunct the ascendant if it is 3 degrees apart in the 12th house? It was not part of the subject and i didnt respond but on my way home it felt very weird xD. Fixed Star Sirius - Astrology King There is the power to manifest with planets in angular houses. what does this mean? Uranus has been transiting my Descendant recently as well, and will oppose my Pluto next year. Likely there was a lot of moving around. At this time, I have transit Neptune conjunct my descendant/oppose my ascendant . My oldest sister has Sun conjunct Ascendant very tightly. Ascendant shows the lens in front of us. Its so hard all My past, my feelings, relation with my mom, poor. Posts: 695 From: Cypress Registered: Mar 2014: posted June 25, 2014 07:36 PM I'm not entirely sure what anything conjunct descendant means actually, so I'd like some info on it please. First house is what you project to the world and seventh is what is projected on to you (especially if you are not in connection with the specific energy) Someone with Saturn in the first house in a tight orb to the ascendant could end up being a poster child for all that Saturn signifies tradition, believer of rules, respects authority, etc. Fixed star Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris, is a brilliant white and yellow star, the brightest star in the sky. This star so placed is most excellent for military, lawyers and civil servants. From COURIC: In the night. By tradition, only conjunctions to fixed stars (and sometimes oppositions) should be read. I work for myself at home and dont have a strong family bond. Would you touch on mars conjunct descendant in - MoonsEye Astrology Its caused havoc with my career in terms of being taken advantage of / public scandal & loss etc. But there is also very little information about the orb of the fixed stars, and from what I have gathered in my research, a 240 degree orb for the brightest star in the sky (Sirius) is radically underestimating its astrological influence. I am new into Astrology. This may only apply to one specific parent. Cancer, conjunct my 3rd house, with asteroids Logic and Industria within 1. Its all so complex that Ive yet to figure it out. Also, look for any trines or sextiles from any of your planets (Uranus, Pluto, Saturn, Chiron, Sun/Mercury) and as they may be the ones that give you support and a break. Now i am in training to be a psychoanalyst and i hope this is a good way to express all this energy. There is some danger from, or fear of, darkness and the night, and liability to dog bites, though the latter characteristic is probably associated more particularly with Sirius. The Sun is associated with centers of cultural capital while the Moon is associated with markets. According to tradition, Sirius will give a famous death with honors beyond the grave, if positioned in the 8th house. At the moment Im working on several (audio)books which connect to the universal laws and the highest order of justis (which is different from justice). Sirius people know what happened in the past, even if they dont know it. One gets the impression that in spite of changes in political systems, the old planetary characterisations still hold true. Moon conjunct MC may be expressed asa need to mother everyone and may choose a career where this can be consciously expressed. A lot of folks with this star prominent in their charts are first generation immigrants, are estranged from family, or exist as outliers in some way. sirius conjunct ascendant In the natal chart, the Sun shows how much energy you have. I have lived in many places. They can often feel as though the marginalized identity that they perform is not authentic to them but that it is a learned behavior. Any star conjunct the i.c will manifest its energy in old age & hidden. For the Nodes with fixed stars I always combine the interpretation for the Sun and Moon. They are created by the intersection of your personal space with the universal space. Mercury-Sirius people look for memories because theyre looking for truth. Not having a Sirius conjunction does NOT screen you OUT for fame. If a malefic be with Scheat, death by fiery cutting weapons or from beasts. Hello Astromanda,I have Saturn conjunct DC in Aries,Neptune conjunct IC in Capri,oppositing Cancer MC.Indeed I often attract satunian people or feel isolated in sociaty.By the way,how to understand the Neptune conjunct IC aspect?Am I deeply sensitive and fantastic?Is it a challenging matter in career? Could it be that my venus is in virgo, trine Lilith and Chiron in 7th in Taurus, but my DC is in Aries (have both signs intercepted in 7th). Lunar Eclipse on the natal Descendant - thoughts? - reddit And to be honest for my whole life I felt I have a world destiny. Vanessa, it is true that conjunction is not the only aspect that are important with angles Any close aspect to the angle play an important role in life. He walks and talks large. Nice, do you think it is as beneficial as we would expect? Same bday as the current Dalai Lama***, Sirius conjunct MC Cancer, Spica conjunct Asc Libra:-). mars conjunct ic would be very similar to moon conjunct mars because the ic is the cusp of the 4th house which is ruler of cancer and the moon. Hi Grail, I dont have uranus on the 4th house cusp but i have the moon there square uranus and totally agree with everything you say. Its also part of a grand trine with Venus, Mercury, & Mars. It actually shows that may planets are sitting in the hot seat and your life will be both challenging and interesting, Also,since you have so many planets in an angle, it means that you can make things happen better than many othersonce your put your mind to it and find a way to balance the energy of the planets. Its a fascist universe and full of false memories performed for clout. = In the story of Osiris, Osiris was scattered into many different pieces before being put back together. The naming of the fixed star Sirius, the Dog-star, derives from the Greek Seirios (Sparking, Scorching). Also Sirius is a very hot star & its energy provided must find an outlet or it burns. Sun-Sirius people are able to attract people to them who identify with the role of the misfit or the rule breaker. Poor Uranus and mars are a bit left out. When you look at people who created or made things happen, they usually have hard aspects like square or oppositions involving angles. The suggested orb of 240 is being generous. Saturn destroys me in the best ways (I.e. This could one of the reasons for having financial issues. aphrodite, with 7th Jupiter conjunct Descendant and forming a yod to Moon and Sun, your jupiter actually falls at the midpoint of Sun and Moon, and this could mean that relationships are supposed to be fortunate for you (unless there are other aspects affecting it), and the relationships happens sometimes without much choice you get pulled into it. Again, it is important to remember that Sirius wants you to realign yourself with people. I actually have two T-squares, linked by trines and sextiles. John Henry. Topic: What could Sirius conjunct Descendant mean? "For an independent and freedom . Mars Conjunct Descendant Synastry Mars aspects in synastry indicate strong physical attraction, desire, motivation, and enthusiasm. Planets conjunct angles are given VIP seats in your life. Sun conjunct Algol: Don't Lose Your Head - Kelly Surtees Astrology Dogs are for the John Wicksfor the cowboys. Ascendant degree changes to next degree every four minutes therefore time of birth requires complete reliability Sirius conjunct ascendant - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Prosperity in old age or through savings, investments or pensions, death will be famous and known to all. Below, we will look at this synastry position's positive and negative aspects. This makes sense, Katie Courics Midheaven at 13 Cancer would conjoin the USAs Sun and Sirius, tho 11:55 pm time is not verified. Here are some observations and delineations of the personal planets and Jupiter in aspect to Sirius. If so, what would be your interpretation of Sirius rising? Uranus (10th house) and Neptune (9th house) conjunct my MC, opposite Moon (3rd house) conjunct IC. ascendant, conjunct sirius While this conjunction can be inspiring and exciting, it can also manifest in darker ways/ Outer planets are not easy to integrate and they can have a destructive effect. Sun in here commands and demands respect. I thought I would answer Grail on Uranus conjunct the IC. The other aspects involved you find in my comment above. ive been searching for answers a long time. So maybe there is a burning issue that lies at the root of a family problem or has been inherited. The planet near the ascendant works in a natural instinctive manner without much outside influence or the need for validation. Adagio Overview; Examples (videos) When I mentioned about Neptune creating a selfless energy in the article, it was in relation to the Sun. I was born during the 60s Uranus/Pluto Virgo conjunction. But if a transiting planet were on Sirius, it would affect how you experience that square to your Moon. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant. Ancestor problems show up in the form of coincidences and synchronicities. Lot of times people with major t=square do not know how to use the trines to their advantage. I am eventually going to add celebrities to these pages for each planet and AC, MC. When Sirius people investigate their histories with the purpose of overcoming other people, they become kings of their own universe but its an universe thats empty and not populated by anyone. Can you please give me some incite to Sirius Paran ones Jupiter at 23 Degree Cancer , Capricorn risings are gatherers. It gives us information on that to which we are attracted in a partner. Am I Mars with its hidden energy in 12th, or Venus showing up so close to the Mid-heaven? In good aspect with Mars and Jupiter and close to the MC, promise is given of gaining extensive wealth, a lucky hand in commercial enterprise or matters of government.

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sirius conjunct descendant

sirius conjunct descendant